Adult Sunday School
“With All Your Mind” Sunday School for Adults
The adult Sunday School Class meets from September through May at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room on the second floor. Our church’s mission is “Helping People say ‘Yes’ to God.” It is our intent that this class will support this goal. The class membership has traditionally been a group of “seekers”- supporting one another toward continuing spiritual growth, exploring and embracing the scholarship associated with our sacred texts, and questioning and discussing how we can live as Christians, carrying out the teachings of Jesus, in our contemporary society and historical world setting. This is a group that is open to asking the important questions of faith and accepts that each of us is on our own spiritual journey. We value this time together as a place where we can experience a deepening relationship with God and where we can share our deepest faith experiences, our ideas, concerns, and differences in a welcoming and respectful environment and come away refreshed, inspired, and uplifted. All interested members and friends are invited to join us. Our recent class format has been to watch a video that is then followed by discussion. Therefore, it is convenient for attendees to come on an occasional basis or on an on-going regular basis. All are welcome to attend.