I’m New

Welcome to First United Methodist Church (FUMC) of Baraboo, Wisconsin! We are glad you are here and hope you have to opportunity to learn more about us. Have a question? Please feel free to contact us with any questions.


How do I get to your church?
Where do I go once I’m inside the building?
What should I expect during worship?
Is the church handicapped accessible?
What should I wear?
Do I have to give money?
What will my kids do?
I’m a little nervous about my first visit.
What if I have questions after being a guest at worship?

How do I get to your church?
  • Location: We are located on the “square” of downtown Baraboo, at the corner of 4th and Broadway.
  • Parking: We have a parking lot on the 4th street entrance, or you can also park on the street or across the street in the Courthouse parking lot.
  • Entering the building: On Sunday morning, all doors of the church are open! Our ‘main’ entrance is considered to be the one by the parking lot.      
Where do I go once I’m inside the building?
  • When you enter through the parking lot doors, you will go up one flight of stairs (or take the elevator to Level 1) and enter the doors on the left:
  • This will bring you into Fellowship Hall:
  • Once you are in Fellowship Hall, you’ll see the open gathering space with tables and chairs. Straight ahead you’ll find the restrooms, the nursery, and the doors to the sanctuary on the right:
What should I expect during worship?
  • Our beautiful sanctuary!  Just before worship starts, you’ll want to find a seat in the worship space. When you enter the Sanctuary, prepare to be wowed! It’s gorgeous! It has lots of beautiful woodwork, many stained glass windows and a high ceiling. You’re also welcome to go up the stairs to the 2nd floor and sit in the balcony for a bird’s eye view.
  • Greetings! Typically we have a time to greet each other during worship, called “Passing of the Peace.” People will introduce themselves to you and offer to shake your hand.
  • Traditional and informal worship style. Worship at FUMC is both traditional and informal. Expect “churchy” things like organ music, hymn singing and spoken prayers. You can also expect some parts of worship to feel casual. Our sharing “joys and concerns” is pretty informal and gives us the chance to hear and pray for the celebrations and challenges that are happening in the lives of our congregation. After a soloist or one of the choirs offers special music, people often clap. It’s OK to clap here! Once a month, children and youth do scripture readings in the service. They also light the candles, receive the offering plates and greet people before the service.
  • Communion – Communion is celebrated typically on the 1st Sundays of each month.  All are welcome to receive Communion; you do not need to be a member of this church or a member of the United Methodist Church.  This is the Lord’s Table; he is the host and we are all his guests. At the direction of the ushers you will be invited to come forward to receive the meal.  The Pastor gives directions on how to enjoy the feast, and where to find the gluten free station.

Is the church handicapped accessible?

Yes. We have an elevator right at the entrance of the parking lot doors. There is also an additional wheelchair to use at the ground level. When you come into the sanctuary, there are places where your wheelchairs will fit just fine. An usher will be glad to help you find a place where you’re comfortable!

What should I wear?

Our one rule is to “wear clothes!” What you wear is up to you. On any given Sunday you may see folks wearing jeans, dresses, “business casual” attire, suit coats with a necktie, or biking/hiking attire. Packers Jersey’s welcomed!  Our pastor often leads worship wearing Sunday best.  For special days such as Communion Sundays and baptisms, she will wear a stole and liturgical robe.

Do I have to give money?

Guests are not expected to give money in the offering plate when it is passed.

What will my kids do?
  • Sunday school programs. We have Sunday school programs for toddlers through high school from 9:15 – 10:15am during the school year. The younger children and youth meet downstairs for lessons, crafts, and activities. The older youth (Middle School and High School) meet in the youth room.
  • Join us in worship! Children are always welcome in worship. We have a “children’s message” during the worship service.
  • Play in the nursery!  We have a staffed nursery for infants through age 7. The nursery is available during Sunday school and worship.
I’m a little nervous about my first visit.
  • Be your authentic self! There’s only one mistake you can make while visiting our church: that is to not be yourself.  We don’t pretend to be who we are not and we don’t expect you to do that either. We try to be authentic, and invite you to be who you are too!
  • We’re all different and that’s OK! There are some people who have been in this church for many, many years. Others are relatively new. Some are single. Some are part of couples or extended family groups. We don’t all think exactly the same. We don’t all vote the same way.
  • We have important things in common! We share a commitment to each other as a community of faith, love for God and the desire to be a blessing to the greater Baraboo/Sauk County community.
  • Come say hi! to the Pastor before your visit!  The pastor would love to treat you and your family to a coffee, custard or piece of pie at one of our local restaurants.  Bring your questions, and prepare for your visit to FUMC.
What if I have questions after being a guest at worship?

Contact the pastor at pastor@barabooumc.org or call the office today!