Children and Youth (CHOUTH)

Sunday School for Young Disciples (Children)
Please download, fill out and return the registration form:
revised Registration Form – Google Docs
Sunday School for Young Disciples
When: 9:00 (or so)-10:15 am every Sunday
Where: Baraboo FUMC, Lower Level
Celebrate Wonder – Young Disciples will explore and deepen their faith through wonder. Each session will incorporate biblical exploration (reading and discussing a Bible story, examining and learning a Bible verse), faith conversation, play, crafts, music, spiritual practice and prayer.
CHOUTH and Worship: Children and Youth are encourage to help lead worship anytime during the year. Contact the pastor to volunteer!
Youth Group
Youth Group meets weekly on Wednesday nights.
Email Ken and Christie at for the current schedule.
Our mid-week ministries are on hold at the moment. Stay tuned for ways to get involved as a family and friends.